Results for 'Richard D. Mattuck'

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  1.  33
    Partial measurement in the Bohm-Bub hidden-variable theory.Jens Peter Christensen & Richard D. Mattuck - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (4):347-361.
    The Bohm-Bub hidden-variable theory is able to predict the results of measuring a quantum system only in the special case where the set of commuting observables being measured is complete. To handle the much more common case where the set is incomplete, Tutsch has proposed a generalization of the Bohm-Bub model. Unfortunately, as we show here, Tutsch's original method does not yield the correct quantum mechanical transition probabilities. On the other hand, Belinfante's modification of Tutsch's method does yield the correct (...)
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    Relativistically covariant Bohm-Bub hidden-variable theory for spin measurement of a single particle.Luc Longtin & Richard D. Mattuck - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (8):685-703.
    We present a simple first step toward a relativistically covariant generalization of the Bohm-Bub hidden-variable theory. The model is applicable to spin measurement on a single Dirac particle and describes the collapse of the state vector to a spin-up or spin-down state. The essential postulate is that the hidden-variable vector transforms in the same way as the state vector under a Lorentz transformation. This yields a covariant collapse equation, which reduces to the ordinary Bohm-Bub equation for an observer stationary with (...)
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    Orienting of Attention.Richard D. Wright & Lawrence M. Ward - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is a succinct introduction to the orienting of attention.
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  4. The Moral Animal.Richard D. Wright - 1994 - Pantheon Books.
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    Fairness in the selection of employees.Richard D. Arvey & Gary L. Renz - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (5-6):331-340.
    A number of fairness issues and principles are developed and discussed from the context of personnel selection. It is noted that not too much attention has been paid to these issues and concerns in the past. A distinction is made between justice and fairness having to do with the procedural components and processes of selection, the nature of the information used to make selection decisions, and the resulting outcomes of the selection process. Ideas for future research and exploration are also (...)
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    Plato, Statesman 284c-d: An "Argument from the Sciences".Richard D. Mohr - 1977 - Phronesis 22 (3):232 - 234.
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    Philosophy before Socrates: an introduction with texts and commentary.Richard D. McKirahan - 1994 - Hackett.
    Since its publication in 1994, Richard McKirahan's _Philosophy Before Socrates_ has become the standard sourcebook in Presocratic philosophy. It provides a wide survey of Greek science, metaphysics, and moral and political philosophy, from their roots in myth to the philosophers and Sophists of the fifth century. A comprehensive selection of fragments and testimonia, translated by the author, is presented in the context of a thorough and accessible discussion. An introductory chapter deals with the sources of Presocratic and Sophistic texts (...)
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  8.  46
    Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science.Richard D. McKirahan (ed.) - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    By a thorough study of the Posterior Analytics and related Aristotelian texts, Richard McKirahan reconstructs Aristotle's theory of episteme--science. The Posterior Analytics contains the first extensive treatment of the nature and structure of science in the history of philosophy, and McKirahan's aim is to interpret it sympathetically, following the lead of the text, rather than imposing contemporary frameworks on it. In addition to treating the theory as a whole, the author uses textual and philological as well as philosophical material (...)
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  9. God and Forms in Plato: And Other Essays in Plato's Metaphysics.Richard D. Mohr - 2005 - Las Vegas: Parmenides Publishing. Edited by Richard D. Mohr.
  10.  38
    Review of Richard D. Mohr: Gay Ideas.[REVIEW]Richard D. Mohr - 1994 - Ethics 105 (1):209-211.
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    A biological interpretation of moral systems.Richard D. Alexander - 1985 - Zygon 20 (1):3-20.
    . Moral systems are described as systems of indirect reciprocity, existing because of histories of conflicts of interest and arising as outcomes of the complexity of social interactions in groups of long‐lived individuals with varying conflicts and confluences of interest and indefinitely iterated social interactions. Although morality is commonly defined as involving justice for all people, or consistency in the social treatment of all humans, it may have arisen for immoral reasons, as a force leading to cohesiveness within human groups (...)
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  12.  12
    ECT: facts, affects, and ambiguities.Richard D. Weiner - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):42-54.
  13.  17
    Photography and Visual Perception.Richard D. Zakia - 1993 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 27 (4):67.
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  14. (1 other version)Psychological dimensions of elenchus in the gorgias.Richard D. Parry - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
  15.  25
    Emotion and dance in dynamic light displays.Richard D. Walk & Carolyn P. Homan - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):437-440.
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    Role of theory of mind in emotional awareness and alexithymia: Implications for conceptualization and measurement.Richard D. Lane, Chiu-Hsieh Hsu, Dona E. C. Locke, Cheryl Ritenbaugh & Cynthia M. Stonnington - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:398-405.
  17. Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal, and the process of change in psychotherapy: New insights from brain science.Richard D. Lane, Lee Ryan, Lynn Nadel & Leslie Greenberg - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e1.
    Since Freud, clinicians have understood that disturbing memories contribute to psychopathology and that new emotional experiences contribute to therapeutic change. Yet, controversy remains about what is truly essential to bring about psychotherapeutic change. Mounting evidence from empirical studies suggests that emotional arousal is a key ingredient in therapeutic change in many modalities. In addition, memory seems to play an important role but there is a lack of consensus on the role of understanding what happened in the past in bringing about (...)
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  18.  14
    Ethical practice in the human services: from knowing to being.Richard D. Parsons - 2016 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Karen L. Dickinson.
    Ethical Practice in the Human Services by Richard D. Parsons and Karen L. Dickinson moves beyond addressing ethical issues and principles to helping readers actually practice ethical behavior through awareness of their personal morals, values, and choices. With coverage of ethical standards from six different associations, the text addresses ethical issues and principles in social work, counseling, psychology, and marriage and family therapy. Robust pedagogy includes case illustrations and guided exercises to give readers a deeper understanding of the underlying (...)
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  19.  83
    Becoming aware of feelings: Integration of cognitive-developmental, neuroscientific, and psychoanalytic perspectives.Richard D. R. Lane & David A. S. Garfield - 2005 - Neuro-Psychoanalysis 7 (1):5-30.
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    Neoliberalism and Education: An Introduction.Richard D. Lakes & Patricia A. Carter - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (2):107-110.
  21. Neural correlates of conscious emotional experience.Richard D. R. Lane - 2000 - In Richard D. R. Lane, L. Nadel & G. L. Ahern (eds.), Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion. Series in Affective Science. Oxford University Press. pp. 345--370.
  22.  6
    Frost and Cyclicism (Continued).Richard D. Lord - 1957 - Renascence 10 (1):31-31.
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  23.  51
    Is alexithymia the emotional equivalent of blindsight?Richard D. R. Lane, G. L. Ahern, Gary E. Schwartz & Alfred W. Kaszniak - 1997 - Biological Psychiatry 42:834-44.
  24.  30
    The judicial dialogue.Richard D. Rieke - 1991 - Argumentation 5 (1):39-55.
    A variety of theoretical positions are emerging to explain the judicial process from such perspectives as hermeneutics, semiotics, critical theory and argumentation/rhetoric. They ask such questions as these: What is the source of judicial authority? How do judges arrive at their decisions? By what logic are decisions to be tested? In this essay I argue that a focus on decisions and their justifications alone masks the broader process in which judges, along with all the other relevant groups, engage in a (...)
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    Core Ethics for Health Professionals: Principles, Issues and Compliance.Richard D. W. Hain - 2018 - The New Bioethics 24 (2):193-195.
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    “Religious issues” facing theory and philosophy.Richard D. Kahoe - 1987 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 7 (1):49-51.
    Discusses the natural affinity between APA's Division 36, Psychologists Interested in Religious Issues, and Division 24, the Division of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. Some members hold common membership in both divisions. The author notes that Division 36 could profit from a more sophisticated analysis of its philosophical presuppositions, and their implications—a task to which Division 24 colleagues might lend a hand, with the advantage of greater objectivity. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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    Effects of perceptual salience on the recall of relevant and incidental dimensional values: A developmental study.Richard D. Odom - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (2):285.
  28. Psalm 114.Richard D. Nelson - 2009 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 63 (2):172-174.
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    “He Offered Himself”: Sacrifice in Hebrews.Richard D. Nelson - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (3):251-265.
    As both priest and victim, Christ offered himself through sacrificial actions involving death, entry into the heavenly sanctuary, and cleansing by blood. Hebrews highlights the soteriological, psychological, and social benefits of this sacrifice.
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    What Constitutes the Patient in Psychotherapy: Alternative Approaches to Understanding Humans.Richard D. Chessick - 1992 - Jason Aronson.
    Questions assumptions about what it is to be a human being by examining the ideas of thinkers such as Foucault, Winnicott, Lacan and Jaspers. Chessick combines succinct summaries of the writings of these European thinkers with critical commentaries.
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    Platonic Virtue Ethics and the End of Virtue.Richard D. Parry - 2002 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 19 (3):239 - 254.
  32.  12
    III. The Kinds of Principles.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 36-49.
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    VII. Definitions, I: The Per Se.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 80-102.
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    XI. Aristotle’s Principles and Greek Mathematics.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 133-143.
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  35.  57
    Family Resemblance, Platonism, Universals.Richard D. Mohr - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):593 - 600.
    Platonic universals received sympathetic attention at the turn of the century in the early writings of Moore and Russell. But this interest quickly waned with the empiricist and nominalist movements of the twenties and thirties. In this process of declining interest Wittgenstein's theory of family resemblance seemed to serve both as coup de grâce and post-mortem.I propose, however, that family resemblance far from being an adequate refutation of Platonic universals can actually be accommodated within a Platonic theory properly conceived. But (...)
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  36.  14
    God & forms in Plato.Richard D. Mohr - 2005 - Las Vegas: Parmenides. Edited by Richard D. Mohr.
    Explores the formation of the cosmos and its relationship to God as indicated in the works of Plato. Original.
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  37.  17
    The social foundations classroom.Richard D. Lakes - 2001 - Educational Studies 32 (1):53-59.
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  38. Anterior cingulate cortex participates in the conscious experience of emotion.Richard D. R. Lane, Ahern E., Schwartz G. & Yun G. E. - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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    The role of giant axons in studies of the nerve impulse.Richard D. Keynes - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (2-3):90-93.
    The large size of the individual axons in the motor nerves of certain invertebrates has facilitated technical approaches that were not feasible elsewhere. A brief account is given of the way in which giant axons have taken and held the lead in research on the mechanism of conduction.
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  40.  28
    A Platonic Happiness.Richard D. Mohr - 1987 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 4 (April):131-145.
  41.  8
    Being human: psychological and philosophical perspectives.Richard D. Gross - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    While there may be no one single characteristic that differentiates humans as a species, it is the combination of differences from other species that makes us unique. The new edition of Being Human examines the psychology of being human through exploring different psychological traditions alongside philosophy and evolutionary theory, covering themes such as culture, cognition, language, morality, and society. Our nature - or 'essence' - is something that has preoccupied human beings throughout our history, beginning with philosophy and religion, and (...)
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    Notes.Richard D. McKirahan - 1992 - In Principles and Proofs: Aristotle’s Theory of Demonstrative Science. Princeton University Press. pp. 273-308.
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    Plato and Socrates : A Comprehensive Bibliography 1958-1973.Richard D. McKirahan - 1978 - New York: Routledge.
    This valuable work of reference provides a comprehensive bibliography on all scholarly work that was published on Plato and Socrates during the years 1958-73. It thus forms an important addition to Harold Cherniss’s bibliography, which covered the years 1950-7. The author has sought to include all materials primarily concerned with Socrates and Plato, together with other works which make a contribution to our understanding of the two philosophers. The bibliography is arranged by topic and there are cross-references at the end (...)
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  44.  17
    Adverteasement.Richard D. Zakia - 1986 - Semiotica 59 (1-2):1-12.
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  45.  23
    Birdsong learning and intersensory processing.Richard D. Walk & Michael L. Schwartz - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (2):101-104.
  46.  24
    Ecological depth perception: Ducklings tested together and alone.Richard D. Walk & Kathy Walters - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):368-371.
    Ducklings were placed either singly or in pairs on a platform at two different heights. Both height and pairing influenced performance: More ducklings descended from the platform at low heights, and more single ducklings descended than paired ducklings. The social factor, pairing, made behavior more cautious and decreased the number of distress calls. A similar trend for pairing to influence performance was shown on the visual cliff. Without its peers, the duckling is a distressed animal. Previous careless behavior by ducklings (...)
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  47.  50
    Paradigms, Characteristics, and Forms in Plato's Middle Dialogues.Richard D. Parry - 2001 - Apeiron 34 (1):1-36.
  48.  19
    Thinking, Knowing, and Acting: Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism, edited by Mauro Bonazzi, Filippo Forcignanò, and Angela Ulacco.Richard D. Parry - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 16 (1):73-75.
  49.  42
    Taking Politics Personally.Richard D. Parker - 2000 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 12 (1):103-128.
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    Philosophers in the Republic , written by Weiss, Roslyn.Richard D. Parry - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (1):109-111.
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